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Introducing Communitree: a network of community conversations

We're co-creating a network of community building audio conversations.

Rosie Sherry

May 11, 2021

We are starting a new thing!

Communitree is an experimental and co-created network of audio conversations on the theme of community building. With a bit of love and nurturing we trust it will blossom into an amazing network of open community conversations.

The idea behind Communitree is for people to pair or group up to have community conversations. After a conversation is had each person seeks to have a future conversation with someone else to grow the branches.

It goes something like this:

  • Rosie talks with Erin.
  • Rosie then talks to Sara.
  • Sara also continues with the torch and invites Fem to talk.
  • Erin decides to talk to Charlie.
  • Rosie wants to talk to more people, so she finds Christina...

Here's a picture that makes it easier to understand.

It looks like a tree and the conversations are about community. Hence Communitree! 🌳

Of course, some branches will break, or take some time to grow. However, overall we believe it will blossom into an amazing network of community conversations.

But why even do this Rosie?

I believe conversations lead to community. In addition, I believe more conversations evolving around community building will lead to all of us being able to co-create better communities.

Sometimes we just need an excuse to talk to one another. Take this as your excuse or your sign to reach out to that person you've been meaning to.

But audio is hard to produce Rosie!

Not with Racket it isn't!

It's super easy to use and you are limited to nine minutes. You have no chance to overthink it and at the same time you'll need to choose a very specific topic to talk about. Nine minutes pass by super fast.

How to get started

  1. Have a conversation with someone who has already contributed to the tree (Schedule time with me or find someone from the conversation list below).
  2. Sign up to Racket (I have invites if you need any)
  3. Find someone to speak to and have a community conversation
  4. Send me a link to the conversation.
  5. We will add it to the list below and share it

We hope you will continue growing the tree by repeating steps 3 & 4.

Get in contact with me:

But what can you talk about?

There are three rules:

  • it has to be about community
  • you need to think it's interesting or exciting
  • have good intentions and behave nicely, all audio contributions will be reviewed before sharing on our list.

🌳 The Communitree

This list will be updated as conversations are had:

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